Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanks Martin Pearson for your kind words

I asked Martin Pearson to write about our live performances of the new songs. Oddly he's seen us more than anyone in Brisbane, since we had the pleasure of playing at Andrew Pattison's Winery weekend this year and the wonderful Neurum Creek Festival and he very kindly replied:

I remember Leah and Jamie from the early “Women in Voice” shows. She has a riveting stage presence (even in pyjamas) and he was an inspired musical director and formidable guitarist. So when I saw them again many years later I was expecting great things. I wasn’t disappointed.

The combination of finely modulated voice and tasty guitar is now being applied to songs about the histories of their own West End of the Brisbane River. It doesn’t get more real than writing about things at the end of your own street. The songs are masterfully crafted with moments of exquisite beauty.

I recommend them to your listening ear.

Thanks James Miller and friends

James Miller, our long term supporter, shot the clips below in three hours at the old Botanic Gardens. He had his film students work on it as an editing assignment and then finished the clips himself. Look on his youtube channel avonsfive and see his clips for Megan Sarmardin's show 'Blackbird' and Barbara Fordham's show 'Whoa Tilly'. He's a dead-set artist with colour! I love the look of the clips and setting aside the momentary 'Yes, I am that old...' chill of recognition, James has done us such a kindness adding vision to the sound. I reckon it's a bloody good sound but now we get to be the stars in our own home-grown movie.

Don't forget the launch coming up - information posted below...

Bottom of the River

Red Rose

Monday, November 1, 2010

Two confirmed album launches for 'Bottom of the River!

BRISBANE: Thursday December 9th 2010
The Brisbane Jazz Club, Kangaroo Point
$25 and $20 with complimentary CD
Doors open 6.30, music 7.30 - 10.00

Leah and Jamie with a flock of guest musicians and singers. Bookings from mid-November at

MALENY: Friday Dec 10th at Finbar's
music from 6.30 - 9.00
Free Entry

The pure duo sound